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7 Ways to Teach Kids the Value of Money (Courtesy of Our Markham Private School)

Financial lessons for Children

Do you find it concerning that more and more young people are facing foreclosure and debt? This worrying trend highlights the lack of financial education among the younger generations. But by teaching your children the value of money and financial management early on, you can ensure they grow up to be responsible adults with sound financial practices.

Unfortunately, not all schools prioritize financial education, which is why it is essential for parents to take the lead.

At leading Markham private school Trillium, our experts can help equip your children with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed financially. Keep reading to learn seven practical ways to teach your children the value of money.

Let’s get started.

7 Effective Ways to Teach Kids about Money

Teaching kids about money is essential for helping them become responsible adults. But not all schools teach children financial skills. As parents, it is your duty to make sure they have this knowledge. Here are seven ways to teach your children some valuable financial lessons.

  • Teach Them to Wait

Some kids are stubborn and throw tantrums when you refuse to buy them something they want. If you give in to the demands, children will never understand the value of money. Make them learn that money is valuable by delaying the purchase and having them save their own money to buy it.

  • Use Cash Rather Than Credit Cards

Physically handing over the money to the cashier instead of using credit cards or online payments, will make your children see money as a visible object. If the money is invisible, they won’t be able to understand finances. The best way is to give them some money and let them make the payment to the cashier.

  • Take Them with You to Banks

It’s important for your children to understand the concept of banks at an early age. Tell them that the money you earn is safely kept by the bank and it’s limited. By experiencing the actual transactions taking place at a bank, they’ll get some financial lessons regarding money flow.

  • Set a Goal for Them

Set a goal for your children such as buying a bicycle or a special toy they want. This practice will encourage them to save money rather than spending it junk food and trinkets. Make sure that the goal is not too expensive. Give a specific amount of monthly or weekly pocket money to your kids to help them achieve that goal.

  • Give Rewards Rather Than Allowances

You children always see cash coming out of ATMs. Therefore, it’s important for them to understand that money is earned by working hard. To accomplish this, reward them with a commission for doing chores such as mowing the grass, doing the dishes and cleaning their room.

  • Teach Them to Make Wise Choices

Have your children understand that money is finite and it should be spent wisely. Teach them to weigh decisions and realize which one makes more sense. For example, tell them ‘if you buy that jar full of candies, then you won’t have enough money to spend on those new story books’.

Help your children understand the value of money with various activities and lessons. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth it for a better future for them. Start it today by gifting them a piggy bank.

  • Encourage Them to Donate to a Charity

Encourage your children to give to a charity of their choice to teach them the importance of giving back. This promotes the idea that giving to others is important and that money should be used for more than just personal purchases to have a beneficial impact on the world.

Teaching children the value of money is crucial to their future financial success. By implementing these seven effective methods, you can help your children become responsible adults who can manage their finances wisely. At our Markham private school, we believe in the importance of financial literacy, and our expert teachers can guide your children to develop essential financial skills. Give your child the gift of financial literacy today and watch them flourish.